CASIO Calculator Educational Platform

CASIO scientific calculators are one of the most popular calculator brands in South Africa educational institutions. In addition, we have been giving back to education for over 20 years.

As a company, we endeavour to provide supportive educational resources and training for our CASIO calculator users.

This website provides curriculum-specific videos and worksheets for you to use. We hope that it will help make the teaching and learning of all mathematically related fields easier.

CASIO plans to continue this dedication to education. We are proud to be your partner in education and assist with skills that will be of lifelong use.

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How to Videos

Want to know how to use your CASIO Calculators?

Watch our step-by-step videos

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For Tips & Tricks, take a walk through our worksheets.

Contact us

Email Us:
Tel: +27 (011) 314 8888